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Available at last in paperback (from Friday 21st April) Threadbones Book of the Year, Shelley Lulette Sizemore's Scene of the Crime (Threadbone Press) is a marvellous hemi-demi-semi autobiographical account of her final encounter with the West Country's best known Culinary Bio-ethicist Professor Brian Thrupiece. Hailed on its publication as "the best fictionalised account of this dark story we have yet had" (The Alton Pancras Guardian), its arrival between soft covers is bound to stir up controversy all over again.
Half-term is upon us and parents will once again be desperately wondering what on earth to do with little Timmy and June!
So why not bring them along to your local branch of Threadstones where there are special - book-related events, guaranteed to keep the whole family happy. And when you are done why not take home one of the latest Ladybone titles. We have more than 5 in stock just waiting to take you and your brats on the adventure of a lifetime! Happy Holidays! Happy Reading!!

Here at Threadstones we pride ourselves in our support of local and regional publications and stock the widest variety of periodicals about the West Country in general and Dorset in particular.
Most of these can be purchased "off-the-shelf" in any of our stores, but we are always pleased to source hard to find titles at readers' request. Please note, however, that we do not trade "top-shelf" magazines which can instead be purchased from our associate chain "Edna's Newsagencies"

Spring is a great time to think about recapturing that youthful body which has been hibernating for longer than you care to remember!
In May the staff of Threadstones have pledged to lose 3 tons between them (thats an average of 48 stones per store!) and to help them along we are organising special fitness awareness events with an emphais on the thrupiecediet™ and fitnessthethredboneway™. So why not join fitness guru Audrey Badminton Court (via relay) at any one of our branches?

Please note that, due to a problem with out supplier, we no longer stock Threadbone Audio Books. Customers are invited to try their luck with the supplier direct. They will, in all likelihood, find the link opposite more useful than the supplier.

Rowena Westlake

Shelley Lulette

CHildrens Week 2

Rowena Westlake

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